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Paul Pool
Paul Pool says there is no better way to support military members than making a future gift to the USO. As a volunteer, supporter and USO 1941 Legacy Society member, he explains the difference the USO is making in the lives of our service members.
Read more of Paul's story
1. Tell me how you first got involved with the USO. What was your first impression?
Army sent me to USO. After I sold my business in ’06, I volunteered for Army service. The U.S. Army Recruiting Command battalion commander at the time made sure I was serious and made it his mission to get me in—tried almost a year to get waivers to start me off in Medical Corps but just couldn’t work around the age issue. So, he asked me to stay and work with them where I basically became his civilian aide. There were alphabet soup alternatives, but I stayed and worked with them and still do to this day. He left as they all do after a couple years, and I wasn’t as active with the new commander but wanted to do more. The Army battalion master sergeant said, “If you want to help us, no one does more for us than the USO.” He arranged a meeting for me with the USO Houston director, who was retired Army.
My first event was a big one where the USO and Wounded Warriors brought troops in from Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) in San Antonio. The Houston Texans also helped sponsor this. The event lasted a week and the Texans opened up their training facility, dining and break rooms, locker rooms, etc. to all troops so they could meet football players up close and personal. Then they were on the field Sunday morning against the Kansas City Chiefs. I was there for all of it. Even assigned a “battle buddy” from BAMC and pushed his wheelchair around for a week. Needless to say, I was very impressed. And I was all in.
2. What has surprised you most about working with the USO?
I was not surprised by the USO because I had expectations based on what Army told me. It would be more accurate to say my expectations were not only met but exceeded.
3. What do you wish other people knew about us?
I wish Americans knew the breadth and scope of USO service. I was at a conference once when Sloan Gibson (the former United States Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs) said, “We are in the business of delivering goodness.” That nailed it.
4. Have you had the opportunity to see the difference made by your gift or meet any of the recipients of the services you made possible? What was that experience like?
I’ve met many troops after volunteering with USO. They all benefit from wherever the funds come from. I’ve worked both airports in Houston then funded the Military Entrance Processing Station center and helped start it up—was Team Leader for four years there. I also sponsor the “Beach Bashes” at my Galveston Island beach home. This summer will mark the 7th year. It is a joy to interact with them and see first-hand the difference USO make in their lives.
I served as Chairman of the USO Advisory Committee for three years so have seen the Houston budget and know how the funds are spent. As a corporate CEO, I know a thing or two about budgets. All monies were spent well and made a tremendous impact.
5. What would you tell someone who was thinking about making a similar gift to us?
I would tell potential donors. If you want to help and support active duty troops, then support the USO. There really is no better alternative.
Ms. Lyndia R. King
Ms. Lyndia R. King gifts a bequest to the USO as a lasting tribute in memory of her father, Earnest William King, to honor and celebrate his extraordinary life. Ms. King hopes that this soldier’s story will give inspiration to those men and women who defend our country and our freedoms, and that this gift will express hers and her father’s heartfelt gratitude for their service and sacrifices that will never be forgotten.
Read more of Ms. King's tribute to her father
He was a highly-decorated veteran of World War II, having received the Combat Infantry Badge, the Good Conduct Medal, the European Theater Service Medal, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and the Silver Star for gallantry in action and courage, bravery and supreme devotion to his comrades under fire. He personally paid an enormous price for our freedom and struggled with recovery throughout his lifetime, yet felt it was his duty to serve. He never regarded his medals and awards as anything special or mentionable, and they were even unknown to his children until much later in life when they became adults.
After his service in World War II, Mr. King returned to Virginia to begin life with his wife, Mary, whom he had married in 1944 before being shipped overseas to serve in the European Theater. He began work as a supervisor for a furniture-making company and became the father of four children in four years. His life seemed to be going in the right direction, yet he was haunted day and night by an extremely important promise he had made several years before but had failed to keep. When he was wounded in 1944 and lay dying for two days on the battlefield, he had promised God if He let him live, he would spend the rest of his life serving Him and helping his fellow man. To keep that promise, he enrolled in a seminary institution in 1954 and became an ordained minister in 1958.
From that time on, in addition to being a soldier for his country, Mr. King became a soldier for God. His abiding faith in God sustained him, and he carried a message of faith and hope to others wherever he went. He had an uncommon compassion for people and touched thousands of lives with his love, concern and support in the many churches where he pastored for over 53 years up and down the East Coast. When he retired from the ministry, he continued to be a source of inspiration and a Christian example to all those who had the privilege to know him. Many have said he was the most honorable man they ever knew.
For thirty-some years, Mr. King was a member of a combat support group for veterans at McGuire Veterans Hospital in Richmond, Virginia and eagerly looked forward to meeting with his “Band of Brothers” at every scheduled opportunity. He provided wisdom, encouragement and support and all of them displayed genuine love, respect and appreciation for each other. Mr. King always considered his association and comradery with this group of combat veterans to be the greatest honor of his lifetime.
Life was precious to Mr. King. He loved simple things and was captivated by the wonders of the world around him: a conversation with someone he never met before, a good sermon, good music, all things baseball, a flourishing vegetable garden, beautiful flowers, trees, birds, animals, and even clouds. His friends and family are certain he never forgot a single thing that ever happened to him in his life. He continually amazed them with the countless stories of his life, and the exact details of every situation he was describing, which made them feel as though they were there.
Mr. King was also a dedicated father and family man. He had four children, four grandchildren, nine great grandchildren and was devoted to his wife for sixty-seven years. His greatest joy came when his family gathered around him, and he delighted in telling others, when he had an opportunity, how proud he was of them.
To his family, Mr. King was truly a soldier for God and country: a humble, moral, genuine, honest, compassionate, righteous, honorable and extraordinary man who certainly left the world a much better place. Without question, he was a hero to many.
Ms. Lyndia R. King gifts this bequest to the USO as a lasting tribute in memory of her father, Earnest William King, to honor and celebrate his extraordinary life. Ms. King hopes that this soldier’s story will give inspiration to those men and women who defend our country and our freedoms and that this gift will express hers and her father’s heartfelt gratitude for their service and sacrifices that will never be forgotten.

John and Melinda Baum
Support the USO — is an unwavering conviction John and Melinda have had for years. As members of the Vanguard Circle in the Leadership Council, they were invited to be part of a special group that witnessed USO military operations in Germany. They could easily see that their annual contribution to the USO, was an easy decision. To them, there is no doubt that the USO is a vital part of our military.
Click here to learn more about being part of the Leadership Council.
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